How is CATNIP being used
I want to thank the groups that have used CATNIP and have cited it. If you are interested in how CATNIP is being used here is a list of the papers that I have found that have cited it.
- P. A. Praveen, A. Bhattacharya, and T. Kanagasekaran, “A DFT study on the electronic and photophysical properties of biphenylyl/thiophene derivatives for organic light emitting transistors,” Mater. Today Commun., vol. 25, no. July, p. 101509, 2020.
- C. A. M. de M. Neto, M. L. P. Junior, L. A. R. Junior, and D. A. da S. Filho, “Theoretical Prediction of Electron Mobility in Birhodanine Crystals and their Sulfur Analogues,” pp. 1–12, 2020.
- K. K. Jha et al., “Structure-Property Relationship in an Organic Semiconductor: Insights from Energy Frameworks, Charge Density Analysis, and Diode Devices,” Cryst. Growth Des., vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 3019–3029, 2019.
- N. Rolland, M. Modarresi, J. F. Franco-Gonzalez, and I. Zozoulenko, “Large scale mobility calculations in PEDOT (Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)): Backmapping the coarse-grained MARTINI morphology,” Comput. Mater. Sci., vol. 179, no. December 2019, p. 109678, 2020.
- Q. Wang et al., “Approaching isotropic transfer integrals in crystalline organic semiconductors,” Phys. Rev. Mater., vol. 4, no. 4, p. 44604, 2020.